Degenerate Conic

Algorithms • Modern Fortran Programming • Orbital Mechanics

Dec 24, 2014

Fortran Build Tools


Let's face it, make is terrible. It is especially terrible for large modern Fortran projects, which can have complex source file interdependencies due to the use of modules. To use make with modern Fortran, you need an additional tool to generate the proper file dependency. Such tools apparantly exist (for example, makemake, fmkmf, sfmakedepend, and Makedepf90), but I've never used any of them. Any Fortran build solution that involves make is a nonstarter for me.

If you are an Intel Fortran user on Windows, the Visual Studio integration automatically determines the correct compilation order for you, and you never have to think about it (this is the ideal solution). However if you are stuck using gfortran, there are still various decent opensource solutions for building modern Fortran projects that you can use:

  • SCons - A Software Construction Tool. I used SCons for a while several years ago, and it mostly worked, but I found it non-trivial to configure, and the Fortran support was flaky. Eventually, I stopped using it. Newer releases may have improved, but I don't know.
  • foraytool [Drew McCormack] (formerly called TCBuild) - This one was specifically designed for Fortran, works quite well and is easy to configure. However, it does not appear to be actively maintained (the last release was over four years ago).
  • FoBiS [Stefano Zaghi] - Fortran Building System for Poor Men. This is quite new (2014), and was also specifically designed for Fortran. The author refers to it as "a very simple and stupid tool for automatically building modern Fortran projects". It is trivially easy to use, and is also quite powerful. This is probably the best one to try first, especially if you don't want to have to think about anything.

With FoBiS, if your source is in ./src, and you want to build the application at ./bin/myapp, all you have to do is this: build -s ./src -compiler gnu -o ./bin/myapp. There are various other command line flags for more complicated builds, and a configuration file can also be used.

See also