Degenerate Conic

Algorithms • Modern Fortran Programming • Orbital Mechanics

Sep 25, 2021

FortranCon 2021


FortranCon 2021 (September 23-24, 2021), the second international conference dedicated to the Fortran programming language, has concluded. Once again, it was an amazing conference, with lots of great talks, including a fortran-lang minisymposium. This year there were about 160 registered attendees and about 80 people on average on Zoom and Slack at any given time.

Lists of talks


See also

Jul 03, 2020

FortranCon 2020


FortranCon 2020 was the first international conference entirely focused on the Fortran programming language. It took place in Zurich, Switzerland, but because of the current pandemic, it was almost entirely virtual. It was a terrific two-day conference with a lot of amazing presentations from people all around the world.

Here is the list of talks:

I presented a talk on Copernicus, the spacecraft trajectory design and optimization software that I develop for NASA. We recently completed the 5.0 release of Copernicus, which included some major upgrades and a new GUI. The core of Copernicus, of course, is written in Fortran. Copernicus is being used to design the trajectories that will return humans to the Moon.

A mind numbing chart from my talk on Copernicus at FortranCon 2020.

A mind numbing chart from my talk on Copernicus at FortranCon 2020.

Many thanks to the organizers of FortranCon 2020. I hope this is just the first of many FortranCon's to come.

See also

Update (July 26, 2020): added the missing links