Topological Sorting
Topological sorting can be used to determine the order in which a collection of interdependent tasks must be performed. For example, when building a complex modern Fortran application, there can be many modules with complex interdependencies (via use association). A Fortran building system (like FoBiS, Foray, or SCons) will perform a topological sort to determine the correct compilation order. In graph theory, the collection of tasks are vertices of a directed graph. If there are no circular dependencies, then it is a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
An example modern Fortran implementation of a topological sorting algorithm is given here. The only public class is dag
, which is used to define the graph and perform the sort. The toposort
method performs a "depth-first" traversal of the graph using the recursive subroutine dfs
. Each vertex is only visited once, and so the algorithm runs in linear time. The routine also triggers an error message for circular dependencies.
module toposort_module
!! Topological sorting, using a recursive
!! depth-first method. The vertices are
!! integer values from (1, 2, ..., nvertices)
implicit none
type :: vertex
!! a vertex of a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: edges
integer :: ivertex = 0 !vertex number
logical :: checking = .false.
logical :: marked = .false.
procedure :: set_edges
end type vertex
type,public :: dag
!! a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
type(vertex),dimension(:),allocatable :: vertices
procedure :: set_vertices => dag_set_vertices
procedure :: set_edges => dag_set_edges
procedure :: toposort => dag_toposort
end type dag
subroutine set_edges(me,edges)
!! specify the edge indices for this vertex
implicit none
class(vertex),intent(inout) :: me
integer,dimension(:),intent(in) :: edges
me%edges = edges
end subroutine set_edges
subroutine dag_set_vertices(me,nvertices)
!! set the number of vertices in the dag
implicit none
class(dag),intent(inout) :: me
integer,intent(in) :: nvertices !! number of vertices
integer :: i
me%vertices%ivertex = [(i,i=1,nvertices)]
end subroutine dag_set_vertices
subroutine dag_set_edges(me,ivertex,edges)
!! set the edges for a vertex in a dag
implicit none
class(dag),intent(inout) :: me
integer,intent(in) :: ivertex !! vertex number
integer,dimension(:),intent(in) :: edges
call me%vertices(ivertex)%set_edges(edges)
end subroutine dag_set_edges
subroutine dag_toposort(me,order)
!! main toposort routine
implicit none
class(dag),intent(inout) :: me
integer,dimension(:),allocatable,intent(out) :: order
integer :: i,n,iorder
n = size(me%vertices)
iorder = 0 ! index in order array
do i=1,n
if (.not. me%vertices(i)%marked) &
call dfs(me%vertices(i))
end do
recursive subroutine dfs(v)
!! depth-first graph traversal
type(vertex),intent(inout) :: v
integer :: j
if (v%checking) then
error stop 'Error: circular dependency.'
if (.not. v%marked) then
v%checking = .true.
if (allocated(v%edges)) then
do j=1,size(v%edges)
call dfs(me%vertices(v%edges(j)))
end do
end if
v%checking = .false.
v%marked = .true.
iorder = iorder + 1
order(iorder) = v%ivertex
end if
end if
end subroutine dfs
end subroutine dag_toposort
end module toposort_module
An example use of this module is given below. Here, we define a graph with five vertices: task 2 depends on 1, task 3 depends on both 1 and 5, and task 4 depends on 5.
program main
use toposort_module
implicit none
type(dag) :: d
integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: order
call d%set_vertices(5)
call d%set_edges(2,[1]) ! 2 depends on 1
call d%set_edges(3,[5,1]) ! 3 depends on 5 and 1
call d%set_edges(4,[5]) ! 4 depends on 5
call d%toposort(order)
write(*,*) order
end program main
The result is:
Which is the evaluation order. As far as I can find, the above code is the only modern Fortran topological sorting implementation available on the internet. There is a FORTRAN 77 subroutine here, and a Fortran 90-ish one here (however, neither of them check for circular dependencies).
See also
- Topological Sorting [Everything Under The Sun], June 26, 2013.
- Topological sorting [Wikipedia]
- tsort -- UNIX command for performing topological sorting. [Note that this gives the result in the reverse order from the code listed above.]