Degenerate Conic

Algorithms • Modern Fortran Programming • Orbital Mechanics

Feb 10, 2018

Fehlberg's Runge-Kutta Methods


Many of the important algorithms we use today in the space business have their origins in NASA's Apollo program. For example, the Runge-Kutta methods with stepsize control developed by Erwin Fehlberg (1911-1990). These are still used today for propagating spacecraft trajectories. Fehlberg was a German mathematician who ended up at Marshall Spaceflight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Many of the original reports documenting these methods are publicly available on the NASA Technical Reports Server (see references below). Modern Fortran implementations of Fehlberg's RK7(8) and RK8(9) methods (and others) can be found in the Fortran Astrodynamics Toolkit.

See also

Sep 06, 2014

Object Oriented Runge-Kutta Module

Fortran 2003 was a significant update to Fortran 95 (probably something on the order of the update from C to C++). It brought Fortran into the modern computing world with the addition of object oriented programming features such as type extension and inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic type allocation, and type-bound procedures.

The following example shows an implementation of an object oriented class to perform numerical integration of a user-defined function using a Runge-Kutta method (in this case RK4). First, an abstract rk_class is defined, which is then extended to create the RK4 class by associating the deferred step method to rk4. Other RK classes could also be created in a similar manner. In order to use the class, it is only necessary to set n (the number of variables in the state vector) and f (the user-supplied derivative function), and then call the integrate method.

module rk_module

use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, wp => real64 !double precision reals

implicit none

real(wp),parameter :: zero = 0.0_wp

!main integration class:  
type,abstract,public :: rk_class  
    !user specified number of variables:  
    integer :: n = 0  
    !user-specified derivative function:  
    procedure(deriv_func),pointer :: f => null()  
    procedure,non_overridable,public :: integrate !main integration routine  
    procedure(step_func),deferred :: step !the step routine for the selected method  
end type rk_class

!extend the abstract class to create an RK4 method:  
! [all we need to do is set the step function]  
type,extends(rk_class),public :: rk4_class  
    procedure :: step => rk4  
end type rk4_class


    subroutine deriv_func(me,t,x,xdot) !derivative function  
    import :: rk_class,wp  
    implicit none  
    class(rk_class),intent(inout) :: me  
    real(wp),intent(in) :: t  
    real(wp),dimension(me%n),intent(in) :: x  
    real(wp),dimension(me%n),intent(out) :: xdot  
    end subroutine deriv_func

    subroutine step_func(me,t,x,h,xf) !rk step function  
    import :: rk_class,wp  
    implicit none  
    class(rk_class),intent(inout) :: me  
    real(wp),intent(in) :: t  
    real(wp),dimension(me%n),intent(in) :: x  
    real(wp),intent(in) :: h  
    real(wp),dimension(me%n),intent(out) :: xf  
    end subroutine step_func

end interface


subroutine integrate(me,t0,x0,h,tf,xf)  
! main integration routine

implicit none

class(rk_class),intent(inout) :: me  
real(wp),intent(in) :: t0  
real(wp),dimension(me%n),intent(in) :: x0  
real(wp),intent(in) :: h  
real(wp),intent(in) :: tf  
real(wp),dimension(me%n),intent(out) :: xf

real(wp) :: t,dt,t2  
real(wp),dimension(me%n) :: x  
logical :: last

if (h==zero) then  
    xf = x0  

    t = t0  
    x = x0  
    dt = h  
        t2 = t + dt  
        last = ((dt>=zero .and. t2>=tf) .or. & !adjust last time step  
               (dt<zero .and. t2<=tf))         !  
        if (last) dt = tf-t                    !  
        call me%step(t,x,dt,xf)  
        if (last) exit  
        x = xf  
        t = t2  
    end do

end if

end subroutine integrate

subroutine rk4(me,t,x,h,xf)  
! Take one Runge Kutta 4 integration step: t -> t+h (x -> xf)

implicit none

class(rk4_class),intent(inout) :: me  
real(wp),intent(in) :: t  
real(wp),dimension(me%n),intent(in) :: x  
real(wp),intent(in) :: h  
real(wp),dimension(me%n),intent(out) :: xf

!local variables:  
real(wp),dimension(me%n) :: f1,f2,f3,f4  
real(wp) :: h2

real(wp),parameter :: half = 0.5_wp  
real(wp),parameter :: six = 6.0_wp

h2 = half*h

call me%f(t,x,f1)  
call me%f(t+h2,x+h2*f1,f2)  
call me%f(t+h2,x+h2*f2,f3)  
call me%f(t+h,x+h*f3,f4)

xf = x + h*(f1+f2+f2+f3+f3+f4)/six

end subroutine rk4

end module rk_module  

An example use of this module follows. Here, we are integrating the equations of motion of a spacecraft in Earth orbit, using two-body assumptions: \(\ddot{\mathbf{r}} = -\frac{\mu}{r^3}\mathbf{r}\)

The rk4_class is extended to create a new spacecraft class, which contains the data required by the derivative routine (in this case, simply the central body gravitational parameter mu). A more complicated version could also include spherical harmonic gravity, solar radiation pressure, atmospheric drag, engine thrust, etc. Note that the select type statement is necessary in the derivative routine in order to access the data from the extended type.

program main

use rk_module

!spacecraft propagation type:  
! extend the rk class to include data used in the deriv routine  
type,extends(rk4_class) :: spacecraft  
    real(wp) :: mu = zero ! central body gravitational  
                          ! parameter (km^3/s^2)  
end type spacecraft

integer,parameter :: n=6 !number of state variables  
type(spacecraft) :: s  
real(wp) :: t0,tf,x0(n),dt,xf(n)

s = spacecraft(n=n,f=twobody,mu=398600.436233_wp) !main body is Earth

!initial conditions:  
x0 = [10000.0_wp,10000.0_wp,10000.0_wp,& !initial state [x,y,z] (km)  
      1.0_wp,2.0_wp,3.0_wp]              !              [vx,vy,yz] (km/s)  
t0 = zero !initial time (sec)  
dt = 10.0_wp !time step (sec)  
tf = 1000.0_wp !final time (sec)

call s%integrate(t0,x0,dt,tf,xf)  
write(*,'(A/,*(F15.6/))') 'Final state:',xf


subroutine twobody(me,t,x,xdot)  
! derivative routine for two-body orbit propagation

implicit none

class(rk_class),intent(inout) :: me  
real(wp),intent(in) :: t  
real(wp),dimension(me%n),intent(in) :: x  
real(wp),dimension(me%n),intent(out) :: xdot

real(wp),dimension(3) :: r,v,a_grav  
real(wp) :: rmag

select type (me)  
class is (spacecraft)

    r = x(1:3)  
    v = x(4:6)  
    rmag = norm2(r)  
    a_grav = -me%mu/rmag**3 * r !accel. due to gravity

    xdot(1:3) = v  
    xdot(4:6) = a_grav

end select

end subroutine twobody

end program main  

The result is:

 Final state: 10667.963305 11658.055962 12648.148619 0.377639 1.350074 2.322509

See also

  1. Object-Oriented Programming in Fortran 2003 Part 1: Code Reusability, PGI Insider, Feb. 2011.
  2. Object-Oriented Programming in Fortran 2003 Part 2: Data Polymorphism, PGI Insider, June 2011.
  3. Fortran Astrodynamics Toolkit (Github)

Jul 02, 2014

Nyström Integration Methods

Runge-Kutta Nyström methods can be used to integrate second-order ordinary differential equations of the form:

  • (a) \(\ddot{\mathbf{x}}=f(t,\mathbf{x})\)

There are also versions for the more general form:

  • (b) \(\ddot{\mathbf{x}}=f(t,\mathbf{x},\dot{\mathbf{x}})\)

For second-order systems, Nyström methods are generally more efficient than the more familiar Runge-Kutta methods. The following algorithm is a 4th order Nyström method from Reference [1], encapsulated into a simple Fortran module. It integrates equations of type (b). Several others are also given in the same paper. A high-accuracy variable step size Nyström method for systems of type (a) can also be found in Reference [2].

module nystrom

use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, wp=>real64

implicit none


! derivative function prototype
abstract interface
    function deriv(n,t,x,xd) result(xdd)
        import :: wp
        integer,intent(in) :: n
        real(wp),intent(in) :: t
        real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in) :: x
        real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in) :: xd
        real(wp),dimension(n) :: xdd
    end function deriv
end interface

public :: nystrom_lear_44


subroutine nystrom_lear_44(n,df,t0,x0,xd0,dt,xf,xdf)
! 4th order Nystrom integration routine
! Take a step from t0 to t0+dt (x0,xd0 -> xf,xdf)

implicit none

integer,intent(in) :: n !number of equations
procedure(deriv) :: df !derivative routine
real(wp),intent(in) :: t0 !initial time
real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in) :: x0,xd0 !initial state
real(wp),intent(in) :: dt !time step
real(wp),dimension(n),intent(out) :: xf,xdf !final state

real(wp) :: t
real(wp),dimension(n) :: x,xd,k1,k2,k3,k4

real(wp),parameter :: s5 = sqrt(5.0_wp)
real(wp),parameter :: delta2 = (5.0_wp-s5)/10.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: delta3 = (5.0_wp+s5)/10.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: delta4 = 1.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: a1 = (3.0_wp-s5)/20.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: b1 = 0.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: b2 = (3.0_wp+s5)/20.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: c1 = (-1.0_wp+s5)/4.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: c2 = 0.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: c3 = (3.0_wp-s5)/4.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: alpha1 = 1.0_wp/12.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: alpha2 = (5.0_wp+s5)/24.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: alpha3 = (5.0_wp-s5)/24.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: alpha4 = 0.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: ad1 = (5.0_wp-s5)/10.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: bd1 = -(5.0_wp+3.0_wp*s5)/20.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: bd2 = (3.0_wp+s5)/4.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: cd1 = (-1.0_wp+5.0_wp*s5)/4.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: cd2 = -(5.0_wp+3.0_wp*s5)/4.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: cd3 = (5.0_wp-s5)/2.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: beta1 = 1.0_wp/12.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: beta2 = 5.0_wp/12.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: beta3 = 5.0_wp/12.0_wp
real(wp),parameter :: beta4 = 1.0_wp/12.0_wp

if (dt==0.0_wp) then
    xf = x0
    xdf = xd0

    t = t0
    x = x0
    xd = xd0
    k1 = dt*df(n,t,x,xd)

    t = t0+delta2*dt
    x = x0+delta2*dt*xd0+a1*dt*k1
    xd = xd0+ad1*k1
    k2 = dt*df(n,t,x,xd)

    t = t0+delta3*dt
    x = x0+delta3*dt*xd0+dt*(b1*k1+b2*k2)
    xd = xd0+bd1*k1+bd2*k2
    k3 = dt*df(n,t,x,xd)

    t = t0+dt
    x = x0+dt*xd0+dt*(c1*k1+c3*k3)
    xd = xd0+cd1*k1+cd2*k2+cd3*k3
    k4 = dt*df(n,t,x,xd)

    xf = x0+dt*xd0+dt*(alpha1*k1+alpha2*k2+alpha3*k3)
    xdf = xd0+beta1*k1+beta2*k2+beta3*k3+beta4*k4

end if

end subroutine nystrom_lear_44

end module nystrom


  1. W. M. Lear, "Some New Nyström Integrators", 78-FM-11, JSC-13863, Mission Planning and Analysis Division, NASA Johnson Space Center, Feb. 1978.
  2. R. W. Brankin, I. Gladwell, J. R. Dormand, P. J. Prince, and W. L. Seward, "Algorithm 670: a Runge-Kutta-Nyström code", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 15 Issue 1, March 1989. [code]